Logo design services5 rules of logo design to remember at all times. Source: Google Image search

“If, in the business of communications, ‘image is king’, the essence of this image, the logo, is the jewel in its crown.”

– Paul Rand

The objective of a logo is to represent a brand to its audience while differentiating itself from its competitors. A logo helps the consumers determine:

  • Whether they desire the product, and
  • Whether they want to purchase it from the specified brand

In essence, the logo of a brand is the first aspect that consumers interact with and forms the first impression, as well. Therefore, it must send a clear message and be easy to remember.

Designing a logo can seem overwhelming. However, these few tips can help give direction to the brand and the logo designer;

  1. Simple – with the increase in online content consumption, logos should be simple to be identified. Therefore, a logo must be uncluttered and give the consumer an immediate and clear sense of the brand. A powerful logo has few elements but is appropriate to the brand, and communicates the brand’s message effectively.
  2. Memorable – a logo should be easily remembered with just one glance. Therefore, your logo should be unique yet clearly state what the brand does. A logo that is complicated with too many elements or overly styled can be difficult to comprehend – as a result, easily forgotten.
  3. Original – a brand should do a study of its competitors’ logos, however, only to get a sense of the common patterns. For example, the telecommunication industry has many logos featuring globes while the dentistry industry has logos featuring pearly white teeth. While these most definitely portray the product/service that these brands have to offer, copying these exact elements will make it very hard for any new/small brand to get noticed.
  4. Contemporary yet eternal – a logo should be modern, but not so out-of-the-box that when that trend goes out of fashion, the logo becomes unrelatable. Style is temporary but class is permanent hence, a logo should always be one that everyone can relate to and understand it without having someone to explain it to.
  5. Versatile – a logo should be equally impactful across all platforms. A few ways that a logo is used are:
    1. On merchandise including, clothes, caps, other fashion accessories
    2. On pens, key chains, water bottles
    3. Horizontal/vertical banners
    4. Black and white backgrounds
    5. For purposes that require the logo to be displayed large or small
    6. Alongside the logo of other companies in case of collaborations/partnerships
    7. Digital platforms such as social media, website, and paid advertisements

For this reason, a simple yet easy to understand logo is beneficial as they can be adapted to a range of platforms.

Your logo echoes your brand’s voice and face; therefore, the brand has a responsibility to create it as thoughtfully as possible.

Do you want a logo that puts these rules into practice? Reach out to Ideaspice that offers professional logo design service in Dubai. Our team of talented designers and strategists will help elevate your brand. Write to us by clicking here or at sajith@ideaspice.com. Alternatively, give us a call on +971 4 354 2920.