Marketing is not branding, and branding is not marketing.

Commonly, these two words are used interchangeably or one is deemed to be more important than the other. But did you know, despite marketing and branding being considered totally different, they still go hand-in-hand? Yes, that is absolutely true!

Branding Agency in DubaiThe Basics | Marketing Agency in Dubai

Let us start with understanding the basics of marketing and branding first.

Branding is all about defining who you are as a company and its core values. It is the core tenant to a brand that decides how your audience feels about your company.

By its simplest definition, marketing is the array of tools that you use to communicate your brand’s message and grow your audience. It’s all about driving your brand message.

What the majority of businesses get wrong about branding and marketing is, what separates the successful brands from those brands which are stuck in the maze or those that never quite fully get noticed.

While branding and marketing definitely should be intertwined and worked out together to produce the best results, you should always consider working on branding first. It is necessary to establish a brand image and determine the messages you are sending out to your audience before you put in efforts to creating marketing strategies.

So, how do marketing and branding go hand-in-hand? Let’s take a look.

  • Establishing Your Brand, Gaining And Retaining Audiences

Branding transcends the company logo or colors to reach the target, thereby helping to  establish the brand. Branding is strategic and has a rock-solid foundation on which all other marketing campaigns are pegged. As such, your brand strategy and marketing strategy go hand in hand to help your brand stay focused on reaching your intended audience on an emotional level through your message.

Branding Agency Dubai

  • Developing that X factor, the USP

A USP helps your brand stand out from the crowd and makes your audience remember and thereby recognize your brand. It should resonate with your target market, and not just fit the company’s own notion of why customers should buy from them. USP (Unique Selling Proposition) is evaluated on the basis of mission and vision statement which is a part of branding. This USP once formulated is communicated effectively through marketing techniques to reach the right audience and eventually helps build customers.

  • Consistent Messaging

It is vital that you create consistency in your marketing and branding strategies. You should always use the same brand colors and fonts, and create a consistent theme for your messages and posts which in turn outlines effective branding. Along with this, the marketing channel used should be totally in alignment with the brand colors and fonts to deliver an impactful message to the target audience.  If you are feeling overwhelmed and would like to get help with your marketing and branding, you should consider a branding agency in Dubai or a marketing agency in Dubai to reap the best benefits in your favour.

  • Enhanced Visibility

To brand your business online and offline effectively, you need to show up wherever your target market hangs out regularly. Branding and marketing when being performed hand-in-hand allow the brand to build credibility and also communicates the brand’s message effectively, which eventually enhances the brand’s visibility.

The combination of a well-curated branding and marketing strategy is what will make a brand successful. With clear strategies, you can easily steer ahead in today’s cutting-edge competition in the market.

Need help with your branding?

Idea Spice has worked with over 1400 companies and leads the way as the top branding agency in Dubai. To get in touch, visit: