Culture Beats Process Anyday
You won’t find any mission statements or vision boards here. What you will find is a culture that permeates our everyday and what we live and breathe everyday. We believe that an awesome culture can kick a process diagram’s ass any day!
So while there are no rules – there are ten guiding principles that have helped us define who we are over the years.
Be Passionate
We work with passion, putting our heart and soul in our work. To do good work you must – must love what you do. It’s only when you dive deep and commit completely that you can do great stuff. And that’s all it takes.
It’s not about the skill or the hours you put in – it’s the quality of your commitment to what you’re doing.
Improve Everyday
We believe in continuous and never ending growth. So make mistakes as many as you can but each time that you do, learn from it. The only way to grow is to move continuously and to keep stepping out of our comfort zone. And when everytime we do step out, we learn a little bit more about how far we can go.
Have Fun
We are serious but have fun. When work becomes play and play becomes work, the studio becomes an environment where anything is possible.
Play is a state of being and is highly individualistic. When you’re fully engaged in play, you lose some of your psychological barriers and stop censoring or editing your thoughts.
Respect Time
The most precious resource that we have is time. What we spend everyday as an organisation is time. And it is a limited resource.
Like any resource – effective use – either in the form of time management or simply being aware of how you spend your time will allow you to harness this resource better.
Productivity is simply factor of utilising your time better.
Strategy Works
Design requires long term strategic thinking which when undertaken as an individual or as a team allows us to create a map for creative thinking.
Strategic planning and creative insight together create the perfect ingredient for a successful project. As designers, it is equally important for us to not just look at visual references and mood boards but also to understand the business landscape and objectives.
Do It Together
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. We punch way beyond our weight because of the camaraderie and teamwork.
As a team, we work without hierarchy inspiring each other and gaining respect by the quality of work we do and as a result we are way beyond the sum of the parts.
Teamwork is not a motto for us – it is a state of being.
Be Fearless
We have looked demi projects in the eye and not flinched.
We have stood head to head with the largest firms in the World and won pitches. We have boldly jumped off cliffs and grown wings on the way down. We have burnt our comfort zone and set sail.
Being fearless leads to growth and most importantly to a journey that is unexpected, surprising and always fun.
Give and Gain
We believe design can be a great catalyst for change. Design does have the power to shape our lives and it is upto us how we can use our tools and process to create a better environment.
We are on our way to generate and build self initiated projects we hope that one day will be a measure of things to come.
We believe in a collaborative model where our clients are an integral part of the process.
In order to collaborate effectively all we need to do is listen and understand the objectives and work with a true spirit of collaboration. That’s when we get entrusted with our clients brand and something magical happens.
Coffee and Chat
We make the world’s most stimulating coffee. And its key ingredient is conversation. We use coffee to kickstart our meetings, brainstorming and project discussions. The stronger the merrier.