A unique mobile payment solution developed within the framework of the Dubai Smart Government initiative, we partnered with Empay during its inception as their ecommerce branding in Dubai, working with them to create a unique identity that translated across their interface, device applications, partnerships, and all consumer touchpoints.

Empay is a payment aggregator that aims to centralize payments related to rent, utilities, school fees, etc. An initiative by the Department of Economic Development, the project was the brainchild of the UAE’s first credit bureau Emcredit.

To make the app-friendly while maintaining the impact and gravitas of the brand, we created a brand identity that delivers its initiative in the most subliminal manner. While the primary icon “e” was derived from the name “Empay”, the movement of a swipe and a smile inspired the design language. The color blue was used to portray the significance of the app.

As a leading eCommerce branding agency in Dubai, we wanted to do something different. So besides creating the look and feel of the application’s user interface, we also conceptualized and created the design of the packaging that would box the devices installed with Empay. Marketing collaterals with visual representations of the usage were created. We used vectors and iconography to cut across and effectively communicate with the audience at large, irrespective of cultural and linguistic barriers.

We also laid down the do’s and don’ts of the usage of the design language so as to offer any guidelines for future communications. Empay is the future digital finance app that UAE will thrive on, and the brand identity communicates just that message!