Yes, we know that one should not judge a book by its cover. However, in reality, when time is a precious commodity and everyone is occupied by a minimum of five things at any given point of time, the cover does serve as a baseline to judge if something deserves our time and attention.
Extending the same logic to products and marketing, the best way to make someone stop in their tracks and give you space in their thoughts is to unlock the secrets of package design.
Idea Spice, as one of the leading package design agencies in Dubai, brings you the five golden rules of packaging design so that your products fly off the shelves faster than you anticipated.
Golden Rules of Package Design
A Stand-out Attractive Design
If your product has to catch someone’s attention among ten other similar products on a supermarket shelf, an attractive package design is the only savior. Choose to be bold, unconventional, and quirky to set yourself apart from the competition. Avoid traditional colors that are already in use by the other brands and stick to a design scheme (color, pattern, font, and logo) that is uniquely yours.
Once the customer walks over to your product and picks it up, you have gained a step ahead in forming a lasting impact.
KISS – Always
Yes, we know it’s a cliche, but hey, it’s a cliche because it works. Across design elements, you must keep KISS (Keep it Short Simple) as a baseline. We told you how time-strained today’s customer base is. Anything that needs them to spend an extra minute on the package will lose their attention.
Use clear font, design, and information labels to convey the stand-out features of your product concisely.
Display consistency in Design and Messaging across Product Lines
If you are a company that has multiple product offerings, then the package design must speak one language in design and content. Package design is a key differentiator and connector too for your brand. If you have different product lines, ensure that the package design follows a singular theme while maintaining a unique design language native to the specific product.
This helps in connecting that product to your brand and also giving it a unique touch so that customers can differentiate between the varied offerings.
A crossroad between Creativity and Functionality
The trend and popularity of functional design are here to stay. Squeezy ketchup bottles, carriable detergent boxes, and food packaging that take the shape of takeout containers have started to become a market favorite for the past few years. Another crowd favorite for instance is the one-hand tearable chips packet for easy access.
The ideal packaging design strategy today lays equal emphasis on creativity and functionality. A product that is easy to use, transport, and discard will always take precedence over its competitors because of its value proposition.
Speak your Brand’s Language
Finally, the package design is essentially a medium for you to propagate your brand’s values and offerings to the potential customer base. Everything you have on the package must resonate with your core values and design language. That includes but is not limited to logo, fonts, tagline, color scheme, and label designs.
The package must talk of your brand and must enable the customers to instantly make the connection between the product and the company through design.
Wrapping it up
Package design is an integral part of your brand and needs the highest level of attention. The package is the closest physical representation of your company, so it is one medium which should leave a lasting impact.
If you are looking for packaging design solutions that will revolutionize your product sales and marketing, call us today for a consultation.
We have helped many companies launch stellar marketing campaigns and know the world of package design quite deeply.