The Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) is the principal authority for tourism in Dubai. They not only plan, supervise and develop the marketing scheme for Dubai as a leading tourist destination, they are also the minds behind the promotion of the emirate as an emerging commercial melting pot. DTCM is also responsible for the licensing and classification of all tourism services such as hotels, tour operators, travel agents, and other tourism services.

We were involved in a number of projects with Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing. We created the tourism brand – Definitely Dubai, which was used to market the region across the world.

Brand application was renewed their office spaces and contributed to environmental graphics for their offices, along with a variety of other collaterals. We also created the hotel classification system for Dubai and worked on the branding of the Dubai Convention and Events Bureau.

In addition to the above, we also worked on promotions for DSS and DSF and designed the national day parade for Dubai.

definitely dubai
communication projects dubai