Commissioned to create the identity and guidelines for the United Arab Emirates’s much talked-about National Programme for Happiness and Positivity, this was a project that kept our spirits high. This was a unique community-based branding exercise, where a logo was to be created using recurring elements from drawings of over 2000 children illustrating their interpretation of happiness.

No rules or boundaries were drawn to inspire fresh & authentic ideas in designing the first of its kind logo for a government programme. This was done to capture the ingenious innocence and pure perception of happiness and positivity that only a child can experience and express creatively.

The recurring elements were analyzed and approved by experts. These were then used as icons along with handwritten fonts, inspired from the little ones’ carefree and cheery scripts, to create the logo for the Programme.

branding services uae

We created the designs for all external and internal communication material, which included stationery, merchandise and advertising grids.

To support their future endeavors, we established NPHP’s visual personality and defined guidelines. The brand guidelines were used for their internal and external correspondence and provided them with ideas for gifts and giveaways that appropriately embodied the brand and truly represented their values.

communication projects dubai